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Research Publish Journals prime aim is to promote and disseminate new scientific research work each and every corner of the world


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This journal currently uses a different submission system, but the editorial office will This means that every accepted research paper submitted from September  


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All original research contributions papers of interdisciplinary nature are welcome Our journal intends to be of interest to scholars and researchers in the 


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This journal currently uses a different submission system, but the editorial office will This means that every accepted research paper submitted from September  


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IJCA solicits original research papers for the October 2015 Edition Last date of Last Date of Research Submission: September 21, 2015 Authors are cordially 


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Revise your paper It is likely you will go through three or four drafts before final submission of your research paper Make a special effort to make your paper 


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Please note: the style sheet formatting guidelines are for accepted papers only Every submission must have a contribution statement (for the review process 


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Step #2: Submit research paper Provide proposed paper title, abstract and upload file Step #3: Add authors Provide information on lead author and co- authors


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Please note: the style sheet formatting guidelines are for accepted papers only Every submission must have a contribution statement (for the review process 


Formatting and Submission Guidelines - ICSE 2015

Research paper submission: Free Paper Publication - Research Publish Journals.

Formatting and Submission Guidelines - ICSE 2015 All papers must conform, at time of submission, to the IEEE Formatting ACM Student Research Competition, 2 pages, including all text, appendices, and .

General Information for Authors - Science This journal currently uses a different submission system, but the editorial office will This means that every accepted research paper submitted from September  .

Research Publish Journals prime aim is to promote and disseminate new scientific research work each and every corner of the world.

Author guidelines for preparing research papers and manuscripts for submission Dove Press specializes in publishing medical journals See more.

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Article submission | The BMJ Manuscript submission guidelines for the Journal of Marketing Research for replication or deep understanding that would be difficult put in the paper version.

Online Submission - International Journal of Scientific & Technology The journal article submission should demonstrate clear thoughts of the author by choosing words composed in direct, responsible and active syntax.


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